US-China tariff Negotiation with arithmetic rather than mathematics (1) U.S

US-China tariff Negotiation with arithmetic rather than mathematics (1)

The global stock market is continuing to decline as trade negotiations have suffered. Political events can be 'insist,' but it is difficult to 'forecast'. The time to watch Twitter is inevitable. In order to make the current situation as simple as possible, I approached the trade negotiations with arithmetic rather than math with logic and opinion.

American arithmetic. How much will negotiations last? Trump 's Twitter, which does not hurry, was noticed with the announcement of support for the farmers who are suffering from trade disputes. It was also added that the customs duties imposed on China would buy agricultural products and aid them overseas. It is time to complete the negotiations. It can be overturned at any time, but it is tempting to mention the 'usage' of the tariff.

In the United States, the population of agriculture is about 2.3 million, accounting for 1.5% of all workers. Compared with the 10% of total employment in the 1950s when agriculture took over, the share of agriculture workers in the United States has been greatly reduced. However, if we look at the population of the US by week, the proportion of 1.5% of the total workers is not so small. Of the 50 US states, only 34 states have more than 3 million people and the remaining 16 have less than 2 million people. In addition, even if we do not do arithmetic, the symbolism of any country or agriculture is not small.

The Korean stock market plunged 7% and the Chinese stock market plunged 12%, but the US dropped only 2 ~ 3% from its peak. It is hard to see that the global stock market plunged, although the fall of the Korean stock market is painful. Considering the US farm support plan, it is noteworthy that the difficulty of trade negotiations is getting longer.


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